想起另一個男人,歷史給他這樣的評價:「是個義人,不願意明明地羞辱她,想要暗暗地把她休了。」這個男人想要休了他懷了身孕的未婚妻,因為她「已經許配了約瑟,還沒有迎娶,馬利亞就從聖靈懷了孕。 」(參馬太福音第一章)

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669
Simeon's Prophecy to Mary
oil on panel (55 × 44 cm) — 1628, Kunsthalle, Hamburg
Mary and Joseph seem surprised when Simeon tells them that their son's actions will lead to the fall and rise of many in Israel. The prophet Anna raises her hands to indicate that she also considers the boy the Messias.
This is one of Rembrandt's earliest known works. He made at least two more paintings with Simeon: in 1631 and in 1669.