Tuesday, September 25, 2007


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nic:「嗯……ok 啦;我淨係識佢嘅舊歌」

開學前夕,拿著兩張「恩典」門劵跟友人看演唱會,再一次讓我記得我是如此喜歡辦live show的感覺(幕後是我最享受的崗位之一)。雖然我不是古巨基的歌迷,卻有幸坐在兩位歌迷身旁(我表妹和她的朋友仔),令我從別人的投入中學會了投入地欣賞一場表演。這讓我想起了暑假尾聲所讀的一本書,Donald Miller的Blue Like Jazz,作品面向的觀眾群包括:"For anyone wondering if the Christian faith is still relevant in a post-modern culture, For anyone thirsting for a genuine encounter with a God ho is real, For anyone yearning for a renewed sense of passion in life..."

我讀此書卻是因為朋友推介和開首的author's note,他這樣寫:

I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn't resolve. But I was outside the Bagdad Theater in Portland one night when I saw a man playing the saxophone. I stood there for fifteen minutes, and he never opened his eyes.

After that I liked jazz music.

Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself. It is as if they are showing you the way.


翌日在收音機聽到各大娛樂頭條均指表演嘉賓周慧敏的一句「你辛苦了」令基仔淚如雨下,我頗為錯愕。我總覺得,是很多年獨自在大海航行的孤單,不被瞭解的執著,不曾給世俗接納的一些孩子氣的想法,久違了的真心話,好友的擁抱……這一切一切,讓他落淚。單單是辛苦不足以令我哭,患病中的我也甚少因為痛而落淚;但倘若有一刻我意識到自己的痛苦一點價值也沒有,我便再沒有活下去的勇氣。這些關鍵時刻也並非不曾出現過,但神每次也提醒我:"it is Me who define who you are,你的價值從我而來"……然後翻騰的海浪慢慢平靜,細聽那熟悉的、造物者的微聲。





Sunday, September 23, 2007

愛自己.煲 it yourself

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讀semiotics的日子有一份作業要求我們「讀」一篇廣告,並仔細分析其中每一個符號如何加強所推銷的商品的說服力;當時我選了Dior新出的Addict香水廣告,愈寫愈驚訝廣告背後的「邪惡軸心」(我當時認定是consumerism和capitalism)竟可以如斯輕易地攻佔我們的思想領域以至價值觀。場地轉換,境況如一;由北美到亞洲,我們都喝著廣告奶水成長。我想,倘若我有足夠的經濟能力,會否就毫不猶豫地遵行「周大福大人」的命令,buy it(a diamond) your(my)self?


As I started cleaning my room this week,there was a moment I just stopped and stared at the two lipsticks and three bottles of cream in my drawer, as if I did not know how they once found their way in my life. I used to pride myself on resisting the world’s fashion trends and cosmetic craze. But at that moment I realized I am not so different from those who willingly spend their entire paycheck on makeup and clothes. I do care about how people think of me (duh?!), I just knew.

Pausing longer for a second time, I try to let my feelings penetrate me. I thought about my graduation --- the very first time I put on mascara, about dressing up in my cousin’s room, and about losing weight during my undergrad years. These all seem so irrelevant now, just like the two lipsticks and three bottles of cream in my drawer, ready to be put aside.

There must be a second I complained about having to go through chemotherapy, but that second passed without further detour. I was left, surprisingly, with a sense of relief. I don’t need my hair, any makeup, or a ‘perfect body figure’ to convince myself that I’m God’s beloved masterpiece --- that which He saw “was good”. You can’t imagine what kind of a relief that is.


父母外遊的日子,雖短暫,卻叫我珍惜每一天的獨處時光。若要我演繹此刻的「愛自己.biy」,可能會是「愛自己.煲 it yourself」;就像今天,逛逛還沒有被拆掉的嘉咸街街市,買些簡單的菜,煮一窩青紅蘿蔔豬骨湯。沒有鑽石,但有一份久違了,簡樸的滿足。

(謝謝auntie Winnie願意伴我赴明早的「瑪麗之約」,也謝謝天父在電光火石間提醒我要學習「被竉的藝術」)

Saturday, September 15, 2007


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Friday, September 14, 2007


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"Yesterday, 12 September 2007, it was a beautiful day. The weather was very nice. The sky was blue, and the sun was warm.

In the early morning I took the taxi with LI Kar Yee going to the Queen Mary Hospital, to see Wu Cheuk Nam, a talented composer and our beloved friend. Kar Yee and I didn’t talk much to each other on the taxi but with a sense of understanding. She was busy in sending SMS and making phone calls to inform the people about Nam.


At 10:34am of my watch, Nam’s heartbeat showed on the machine dropped suddenly but the amplitude became surprisingly much bigger. The heartbeat dropped from 128, to 110, 90, 70, 50, 30, 22…., then to 0 finally within only 30 seconds, then without any amplitude. There were only two straight lines on the display. I knew he is leaving us, he is leaving this world, or perhaps he has started a new life in somewhere we don’t know. I asked the nurse to come. She looked at the machine for a while then asked us all to leave the room for their necessary routine."

from Clarence Mak's (head of composition, APA) letter upon Nam's departure





