If we insist on keeping Hell (or even Earth) we shall not see Heaven: if we accept Heaven we shall not be able to retain even the smallest and most intimate souvenirs of Hell."
絕對同意友人所言,每一個字也有它獨特的顏色與感覺;故縱然意思相近,所預示的氣氛可以迥然不同。有些字,不能輕易說,也不能隨便說。翻開Lewis的〈The Great Divorce〉,原來是一個正邪不兩立的故事;可對我們來說,divorce這詞的重量已蕩然無存,甚至正邪也已經不是George Macdonald所指的那回事:
"No, there is no escape. There is no heaven with a little of hell in it --- no plan to retain this or that of the devil in our hearts or our pockets. Out satan must go, every hair and feather."
也許字義的「轉型」也不盡是悲觀的;捱打地越級挑戰神哲領域的一年間,我發現不少作者在書的起首詳盡地把活潑的新義(或被遺忘了的舊義)注入一些我們慣用的字中,從而迫使我們重新看待一些扭曲了的想法。學期初讓全體同學讀到「反艇」的〈Holy Scripture〉就花了不少篇幅討論revelation, text, community, faithful reception的含意,甚至表明authority of Scripture in the church是如何跟世界上那些可以是反覆無常、專制和不法的(capricious, arbitrary, and unlawful)authority 不能相提並論;又或者,Webster在此正是要為authority的定義來一個「洗底」。
今天早上,覺得〈The Great Divorce〉的introduction中"souvenirs of Hell"一詞用得實在好;罪就是這樣,常常掛著一副天真無邪、毫無殺傷力的臉孔,仿如那些無傷大雅的「紀念品」一樣--until you see their real faces...
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