"At a recent medical conference in Chicago, a team of radiologists from Nationwide Children's Hospital presented intriguing X-ray evidence of a psychological phenomenon — what they believed was a new form of self-injury among teens and adolescents. Eleven out of 505 patients whom the team had treated in more than a decade had inserted objects — from chunks of crayons to unfolded paper clips — under their skin in a behavior the Nationwide team labeled "self-embedding."
Self-Injury in JapanPhotographer Kosuke Okahara locates a world of deep despair among young Japanese women.

"In a 2006 study conducted in Kanagawa prefecture, 14.6% of the female high school students surveyed said they had purposely injured themselves at least once with a knife or pointed object, while 6.3% said they had done so at least 10 times."

"Kaori examines the scars on her forearm. Alone in Tokyo, the child of a broken home, she is stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of depression, unemployment and self-harm."
1 回音:
Wow... those are really powerful images...
and the rate of self injury and depressions are really worrying...
But it makes you wonder on the role of the photographer...
as in some of the pics, the photographers are clearly present at the moment when they cut their arms...what is the ethics issues on that...
It reminded me of the Jap film a couple of years ago "Focus" about the role of the media, whether its presence will intensify the violence or "perform" themselves more while on camera to make themselves more "useful"
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