一.茉莉花之戀味 Talentime
導演:Yasmin Ahmad 國家:馬來西亞 年份:2009

一開始就認出昔日曾彈得滾瓜爛熟的clair de lune,月亮、茉莉花、音樂,一直貫穿整齣電影。不是最refined的零瑕疵製作,卻像一份很「人」的手作小禮物,就如teddy姐送的小禮物一樣,genuinely handmade。

喜歡這位有heart的導演,也因為之後讀了她的文字;回看別人對自己的批評,Yasmin不忘同伴給她的鼓勵,也節錄了畫家Andrew Wyeth的話:"I get letters from people about my work. The thing that pleases me most is that my work touches their feelings. In fact, they don't talk about the paintings. They end up telling me the story of their life or how their father died."
對後來的人,她如此說:Today, after making about 50 television commercials and six feature-length films, after winning 11 international awards, I often feel like I don't know the first thing about filmmaking. But I know this much: If your intentions are pure, if you apply your craft with a view to observe humanity and, ultimately, God himself, very often something powerful will surface. And the next thing you know, hordes of strangers from all around the world are stepping forward to tell you "the story of their life or how their father died."
(延伸閱讀:Yasmin寫在Sunday, November 09, 2008的文字)
二.大絕食 Hunger
導演:Steve McQueen 國家:英國 年份:2008

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